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A company wants to display the total sales for its top-selling products across various retail locations in the past 12 months.Which AWS solution should the company use to automate the generation of graphs?
A. Amazon Q in Amazon EC2
B. Amazon Q Developer
C. Amazon Q in Amazon QuickSight
D. Amazon Q in AWS Chatbot
A company is developing a new model to predict the prices of specific items. The model performed well on the training dataset. When the company deployed the model to production, the model's performance decreased significantly.What should the company do to mitigate this problem?
A. Reduce the volume of data that is used in training.
B. Add hyperparameters to the model.
C. Increase the volume of data that is used in training.
D. Increase the model training time.
A company is using few-shot prompting on a base model that is hosted on Amazon Bedrock. The model currently uses 10 examples in the prompt. The model is invoked once daily and is performing well. The company wants to lower the monthly cost.Which solution will meet these requirements?
A. Customize the model by using fine-tuning.
B. Decrease the number of tokens in the prompt.
C. Increase the number of tokens in the prompt.
D. Use Provisioned Throughput.
A company is using a pre-trained large language model (LLM) to build a chatbot for product recommendations. The company needs the LLM outputs to be short and written in a specific language.Which solution will align the LLM response quality with the company's expectations?
A. Adjust the prompt.
B. Choose an LLM of a different size.
C. Increase the temperature.
D. Increase the Top K value.
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