Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate dumps

Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate Dumps

Amazon AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate (DEA-C01)

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Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate Sample Questions

Question # 1

A healthcare company uses Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to stream real-time health datafrom wearable devices, hospital equipment, and patient records.A data engineer needs to find a solution to process the streaming data. The data engineerneeds to store the data in an Amazon Redshift Serverless warehouse. The solution must support near real-time analytics of the streaming data and the previous day's data.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational overhead?

A. Load data into Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. Load the data into Amazon Redshift.
B. Use the streaming ingestion feature of Amazon Redshift.
C. Load the data into Amazon S3. Use the COPY command to load the data into AmazonRedshift.
D. Use the Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift.


Question # 2

A company has five offices in different AWS Regions. Each office has its own humanresources (HR) department that uses a unique IAM role. The company stores employeerecords in a data lake that is based on Amazon S3 storage. A data engineering team needs to limit access to the records. Each HR department shouldbe able to access records for only employees who are within the HR department's Region.Which combination of steps should the data engineering team take to meet thisrequirement with the LEAST operational overhead? (Choose two.)

A. Use data filters for each Region to register the S3 paths as data locations.
B. Register the S3 path as an AWS Lake Formation location.
C. Modify the IAM roles of the HR departments to add a data filter for each department'sRegion.
D. Enable fine-grained access control in AWS Lake Formation. Add a data filter for eachRegion.
E. Create a separate S3 bucket for each Region. Configure an IAM policy to allow S3access. Restrict access based on Region.


Question # 3

A company uses Amazon RDS to store transactional data. The company runs an RDS DBinstance in a private subnet. A developer wrote an AWS Lambda function with defaultsettings to insert, update, or delete data in the DB instance.The developer needs to give the Lambda function the ability to connect to the DB instanceprivately without using the public internet.Which combination of steps will meet this requirement with the LEAST operationaloverhead? (Choose two.)

A. Turn on the public access setting for the DB instance.
B. Update the security group of the DB instance to allow only Lambda function invocationson the database port.
C. Configure the Lambda function to run in the same subnet that the DB instance uses.
D. Attach the same security group to the Lambda function and the DB instance. Include aself-referencing rule that allows access through the database port.
E. Update the network ACL of the private subnet to include a self-referencing rule thatallows access through the database port.


Question # 4

A retail company has a customer data hub in an Amazon S3 bucket. Employees from manycountries use the data hub to support company-wide analytics. A governance team mustensure that the company's data analysts can access data only for customers who arewithin the same country as the analysts.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST operational effort?

A. Create a separate table for each country's customer data. Provide access to eachanalyst based on the country that the analyst serves.
B. Register the S3 bucket as a data lake location in AWS Lake Formation. Use the LakeFormation row-level security features to enforce the company's access policies.
C. Move the data to AWS Regions that are close to the countries where the customers are.Provide access to each analyst based on the country that the analyst serves.
D. Load the data into Amazon Redshift. Create a view for each country. Create separate1AM roles for each country to provide access to data from each country. Assign theappropriate roles to the analysts.


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