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Amazon DVA-C02 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A developer uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy an Amazon API Gateway API and anAWS Step Functions state machine The state machine must reference the API GatewayAPI after the CloudFormation template is deployed The developer needs a solution thatuses the state machine to reference the API Gateway endpoint.Which solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

A. Configure the CloudFormation template to reference the API endpoint in theDefinitionSubstitutions property for the AWS StepFunctions StateMachme resource.
B. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in an environmentvariable for the AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine resourc Configure the state machine toreference the environment variable
C. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in a standard AWS:SecretsManager Secret resource Configure the state machine to reference the resource
D. Configure the CloudFormation template to store the API endpoint in a standardAWS::AppConfig;:ConfigurationProfile resource Configure the state machine to referencethe resource.


Question # 2

A developer is working on a web application that uses Amazon DynamoDB as its datastore The application has two DynamoDB tables one table that is named artists and onetable that is named songs The artists table has artistName as the partition key. The songstable has songName as the partition key and artistName as the sort keyThe table usage patterns include the retrieval of multiple songs and artists in a singledatabase operation from the webpage. The developer needs a way to retrieve thisinformation with minimal network traffic and optimal application performance.Which solution will meet these requirements'?

A. Perform a BatchGetltem operation that returns items from the two tables. Use the list ofsongName artistName keys for the songs table and the list of artistName key for the artiststable.
B. Create a local secondary index (LSI) on the songs table that uses artistName as thepartition key Perform a query operation for each artistName on the songs table that filtersby the list of songName Perform a query operation for each artistName on the artists table
C. Perform a BatchGetltem operation on the songs table that uses thesongName/artistName keys. Perform a BatchGetltem operation on the artists table thatuses artistName as the key.
D. Perform a Scan operation on each table that filters by the list of songName/artistNamefor the songs table and the list of artistName in the artists table.


Question # 3

A developer created an AWS Lambda function that performs a series of operations thatinvolve multiple AWS services. The function's duration time is higher than normal. Todetermine the cause of the issue, the developer must investigate traffic between theservices without changing the function codeWhich solution will meet these requirements?

A. Enable AWS X-Ray active tracing in the Lambda function Review the logs in X-Ray
B. Configure AWS CloudTrail View the trail logs that are associated with the Lambdafunction.
C. Review the AWS Config logs in Amazon Cloud Watch.
D. Review the Amazon CloudWatch logs that are associated with the Lambda function.


Question # 4

A company's developer has deployed an application in AWS by using AWSCloudFormation The CloudFormation stack includes parameters in AWS Systems ManagerParameter Store that the application uses as configuration settings. The application canmodify the parameter valuesWhen the developer updated the stack to create additional resources with tags, thedeveloper noted that the parameter values were reset and that the values ignored the latestchanges made by the application. The developer needs to change the way the companydeploys the CloudFormation stack. The developer also needs to avoid resetting theparameter values outside the stack.Which solution will meet these requirements with the LEAST development effort?

A. Modify the CloudFormation stack to set the deletion policy to Retain for the ParameterStore parameters.
B. Create an Amazon DynamoDB table as a resource in the CloudFormation stack to holdconfiguration data for the application Migrate the parameters that the application ismodifying from Parameter Store to the DynamoDB table
C. Create an Amazon RDS DB instance as a resource in the CloudFormation stack. Createa table in the database for parameter configuration. Migrate the parameters that theapplication is modifying from Parameter Store to the configuration table
D. Modify the CloudFormation stack policy to deny updates on Parameter Storeparameters


Question # 5

A company has an analytics application that uses an AWS Lambda function to processtransaction data asynchronously A developer notices that asynchronous invocations of theLambda function sometimes fail When failed Lambda function invocations occur, thedeveloper wants to invoke a second Lambda function to handle errors and log details.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Configure a Lambda function destination with a failure condition Specify Lambdafunction as the destination type Specify the error-handling Lambda function's AmazonResource Name (ARN) as the resource
B. Enable AWS X-Ray active tracing on the initial Lambda function. Configure X-Ray tocapture stack traces of the failed invocations. Invoke the error-handling Lambda function byincluding the stack traces in the event object.
C. Configure a Lambda function trigger with a failure condition Specify Lambda function asthe destination type Specify the error-handling Lambda function's Amazon Resource Name(ARN) as the resource
D. Create a status check alarm on the initial Lambda function. Configure the alarm toinvoke the error-handling Lambda function when the alarm is initiated. Ensure that thealarm passes the stack trace in the event object.


Question # 6

A company built an online event platform For each event the company organizes quizzesand generates leaderboards that are based on the quiz scores. The company stores theleaderboard data in Amazon DynamoDB and retains the data for 30 days after an event iscomplete The company then uses a scheduled job to delete the old leaderboard dataThe DynamoDB table is configured with a fixed write capacity. During the months whenmany events occur, the DynamoDB write API requests are throttled when the scheduleddelete job runs.A developer must create a long-term solution that deletes the old leaderboard data andoptimizes write throughputWhich solution meets these requirements?

A. Configure a TTL attribute for the leaderboard data
B. Use DynamoDB Streams to schedule and delete the leaderboard data
C. Use AWS Step Functions to schedule and delete the leaderboard data.
D. Set a higher write capacity when the scheduled delete job runs


Question # 7

A company has a web application that runs on Amazon EC2 instances with a customAmazon Machine Image (AMI) The company uses AWS CloudFormation to provision theapplication The application runs in the us-east-1 Region, and the company needs to deploythe application to the us-west-1 RegionAn attempt to create the AWS CloudFormation stack in us-west-1 fails. An error messagestates that the AMI ID does not exist. A developer must resolve this error with a solutionthat uses the least amount of operational overheadWhich solution meets these requirements?

A. Change the AWS CloudFormation templates for us-east-1 and us-west-1 to use an AWSAMI. Relaunch the stack for both Regions.
B. Copy the custom AMI from us-east-1 to us-west-1. Update the AWS CloudFormationtemplate for us-west-1 to refer to AMI ID for the copied AMI Relaunch the stack
C. Build the custom AMI in us-west-1 Create a new AWS CloudFormation template tolaunch the stack in us-west-1 with the new AMI ID
D. Manually deploy the application outside AWS CloudFormation in us-west-1.


Question # 8

A developer is creating a service that uses an Amazon S3 bucket for image uploads. Theservice will use an AWS Lambda function to create a thumbnail of each image Each timean image is uploaded the service needs to send an email notification and create thethumbnail The developer needs to configure the image processing and email notifications setup.Which solution will meet these requirements?

A. Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SNS topic Subscribe the Lambda function to the SNStopic Create an email notification subscription to the SNS topic
B. Create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic. Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SNS topic. Subscribe the Lambda function to the SNStopic. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue Subscribe the SQSqueue to the SNS topic Create an email notification subscription to the SQS queue.
C. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue Configure S3 eventnotifications with a destination of the SQS queue Subscribe the Lambda function to theSQS queue Create an email notification subscription to the SQS queue.
D. Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue. Send S3 eventnotifications to Amazon EventBridge. Create an EventBndge rule that runs the Lambdafunction when images are uploaded to the S3 bucket Create an EventBridge rule thatsends notifications to the SQS queue Create an email notification subscription to the SQSqueue


Question # 9

A company is creating an application that processes csv files from Amazon S3 A developerhas created an S3 bucket The developer has also created an AWS Lambda function toprocess the csv files from the S3 bucketWhich combination of steps will invoke the Lambda function when a csv file is uploaded toAmazon S3? (Select TWO.)

A. Create an Amazon EventBridge rule Configure the rule with a pattern to match the S3object created event
B. Schedule an Amazon EventBridge rule to run a new Lambda function to scan the S3bucket.
C. Add a trigger to the existing Lambda function. Set the trigger type to EventBridge Selectthe Amazon EventBridge rule.
D. Create a new Lambda function to scan the S3 bucket for recently added S3 objects
E. Add S3 Lifecycle rules to invoke the existing Lambda function


Question # 10

A developer is creating an AWS Lambda function that searches for items from an AmazonDynamoDB table that contains customer contact information- The DynamoDB table itemshave the customer's email_address as the partition key and additional properties such ascustomer_type, name, and job_tltle.The Lambda function runs whenever a user types a new character into the customer_typetext input The developer wants the search to return partial matches of all theemail_address property of a particular customer_type The developer does not want torecreate the DynamoDB table.What should the developer do to meet these requirements?

A. Add a global secondary index (GSI) to the DynamoDB table with customer_type as thepartition key and email_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the GSI byusing the begvns_wth key condition expression With the email_address property
B. Add a global secondary index (GSI) to the DynamoDB table With ernail_address as thepartition key and customer_type as the sort key Perform a query operation on the GSI byusing the begins_wtth key condition expression With the email_address property.
C. Add a local secondary index (LSI) to the DynamoDB table With customer_type as thepartition key and email_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the LSI byusing the begins_wlth key condition expression With the email_address property
D. Add a local secondary Index (LSI) to the DynamoDB table With job_tltle as the partitionkey and emad_address as the sort key Perform a query operation on the LSI by using thebegins_wrth key condition expression With the email_address property


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